7 Pillars of FutureAg Conference
Working in harmony with the environment to avoid depletion or degradation of natural resources is nothing new to farmers. Avoiding waste and maintaining awareness of climate conditions and weather events have long been top priorities. In recent times, innovative and technology-enabled sustainability initiatives are in high demand, further driven by ethical awareness, consumer demands, compliance, cost of living, supply chain challenges and more.
Energy is one of the Australian agriculture sector’s fastest growing costs and one of its greatest priorities. Everything required to harvest and maintain crops, manage livestock, provide living conditions and mobility on the farm requires significant amounts of energy. Now, new technological innovations, environmental concerns, compliance issues and increased investment are resulting in exciting research, ideas and developments – not to mention all-new challenges such as infrastructure and logistics to solve.
Enhancement, digitisation and automation of farm equipment – from handheld to larger machinery has evolved remarkably over time. The agricultural sector is enjoying a multitude of benefits - from greater efficiency, precision, safety, sustainability and more. This will be a stream dedicated to the latest and greatest in tractors, harvesting machinery, combine harvesters, seed drills or power and garden tools.
The dependencies, threats and vulnerabilities of supply chains in the Asia Pacific have been laid bare in recent years. There is a need to stabilise to minimise price fluctuations, shortages and blockages. Governments, industries and logistics players both locally and globally must work together to build mutual understanding and alliances. The entire supply chain – from production to disposal – benefits from prioritising efficiency, transparency and sustainability resulting in greater ability to meet consumer demand, increased capacity and confidence, enhanced innovation and technology, job creation and more.
Managing biosecurity is fundamental to the health of the economy, agriculture and its associated industries, the environment, and community. Protection from pests and diseases is vital on-farm and regionally so ongoing and up to date information, trends and predictions are necessary for proactive rather than reactive biosecurity measures.
Increasingly, the agricultural sector is turning to technology and digitisation to provide help with efficiency, profitability, scalability, safety, security, connectivity and mobility. Robotics, automation and data analytics are attractive propositions but navigating the technology landscape and identifying solutions that are going to work in the ‘real world’ (beyond Silicon Valley) are ongoing frustrations. There is no doubt in the power of technology to transform lives and businesses but failure to account for barriers such as cost, connectivity, lack of use cases, lack of opportunity to improve digital literacy and mistrust of cyber security must be acknowledged and addressed for true success.
People are the life blood of the agricultural community. It is a pastime that requires tireless effort and relentless availability, yet its ‘human resources’ are often a bottom rung priority. Some of the most pressing issues are:
Safety and Health:
By the nature of their work and remote localities, farmers and their families face ongoing risks to physical safety and are more prone to depression and suicide.
Enable people with disabilities to enter or remain, thrive and succeed in the Agriculture industry.
Gender diversity;
The role of women in agriculture has long been undervalued, unpaid and invisible.
Lack of First Nations recognition:
While Indigenous Australians were this country’s first farmers, the depth of knowledge and sophisticated farming and agricultural techniques have been largely ignored; they currently make up only 1% of the Australian agricultural workforce.
Young people overlooking agriculture:
Attracting emerging generations for careers in the industry is a pressing need.