Stuart Tighe
Panel | The Complexities of Sustainable Supply Chains and the Tech that can Help
About Stuart:
Observations over 30 years within the grains industry crystalised a belief that the way we do things is not sustainable. Stuart Tighe created PURE Grain Network in 2019 to provide a fully traceable, data driven platform which connects growers to end users, equitably sharing the value created across the entire supply chain.'' Utilising grower partners that cover over 180,000 ha of cropping land, PURE Grain is an established provider of premium malting barley within domestic and export markets serving the needs of major brewers such as Asahi, CUB and Lion through malthouses operated by United Malt and others throughout Australia.' Providing' 'grain to glass' information, brewers and maltsters have access to a direct connection with the raw product producer and a clear line of sight of their product throughout the entirety of the value chain.
Stuart has wide-ranging experience in broad acre cropping having previously been CEO of Boolah Farms for a period of over 20 years.' During this time he and his wife Lyndall' developed a diverse, vertically integrated enterprise which encompasses farm management, farm services contracting, earth moving, storage and handling, marketing and logistics.' With a footprint of over 30,000ha Boolah Farms, services both domestic and international clients; and is renowned for their customer centric agile market responses.' During the most recent drought, his actions assisted in reversing an export orientated supply chain to 'import' over 1.5million tonnes of grain through the Port of Brisbane to fulfill demand in South East Queensland.
Stuart, Lyndall and their 4 children live on Dimboola, the family property outside of Pallamallawa approximately' 50km north east of Moree in far northern NSW.