Stuart Shepherd
Panel | Educating the Public for Policy and Preservation
Contentious news stories' ' such as the live export ban, supermarket pricing wars and large scale solar energy developments '' and the rhetoric they generate can significantly impact the business of farming. In an age of social media and cancel culture, people with little understanding of the complexities and realities of agricultural issues can impact public sentiment and government policy.
Lend your voice to this panel as it discusses how farmers can strategically self-advocate and align with others to encourage a greater connection with and a more nuanced understanding from the wider community.
About Stuart:
Originally from Ballarat Stuart has a deep understanding of what it's like growing up in regional Victoria and is passionate about showcasing what regional Australia has to offer. He is passionate improving the value exchange between brand and person, and how using Behavioural Economics can help creatively solve problems.
With over 20 years as a multidisciplinary strategic creative and business leader Stuart's work over the years has continued to be recognised both locally and globally for creativity, innovation, and effectiveness. Some of these awards include Cannes Lion, D&AD, SPIKES and EFFIE awards. Throughout his career Stuart has worked on some of the world's most recognised brands, including Hewlett Packard, Cadbury, Bayer, MSD, Swisse, Renault, Infiniti and the TAC.
Stuart has a degree in Design (with Honours), a Masters in Advertising, is a Clemenger University Alumni and is a member of AICD. He was co-founder in successful dot.com startup, Dotgain, was the brainchild behind the launch of regional AWARD School and is a Non-Executive Director of Clemenger Group agency Porter Novelli.