6-8 August 2025 | VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA


Andrew Kissel

Andrew Kissel

Product Manager – Seeding and Tillage, CNH
Smart Implements a Critical link to Autonomy
Autonomy is no longer a hypothetical for agriculture in Australia, but it requires implements with enhanced capabilities.' We will discuss what smart implements look like, how they can contribute to a more autonomous future, and how they can create a more efficient operation today.

About Andrew:
Andrew Kissel grew up around a small family farm in Ohio, USA. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Engineering focussing on Power and Machinery Systems.' After leaving University he worked at Iowa State University in Ames, IA USA with efforts split between teaching precision farming courses and advanced machinery research.' Andrew started with CNH in 2013 and has held several positions in the US and Australia, specialising in technology, seeding, tillage and sprayers.

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