6-8 August 2025 | VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA


A/Prof Amy Cosby

A/Prof Amy Cosby

Deputy Director of the CQU Institute for Future Farming Systems and the Head of the Agricultural Education and Extension Cluster
The emerging talent and skills widening the horizons of the next generation of agricultural workforce

About Amy:

Associate Professor Amy Cosby (B.Ag/LLB, PhD) is the Deputy Director of the CQU Institute for Future Farming Systems and the Head of the Agricultural Education and Extension Cluster. Amy's research focuses on attracting, retaining and developing the current and next agricultural workforce, with a focus on building capacity to utilise agtech tools and systems to their full potential. Together with her husband and three boys, she owns and operates a 220 cow dairy in South Gippsland Victoria ensuring her research is grounded in the needs of Australian agriculture.'

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