Bitwise Agronomy
Stand: 378
At Bitwise Agronomy we’re farmers ourselves, so we understand the challenges that growers face every season. We know that accurate yield forecasting is the holy grail of profitable production and we created the GreenView system to help achieve this. We bring farming together with modern technologies like AI and machine learning to turn data into information for making decisions - so farms can improve forecasting and reduce operating costs. All farmers do is upload video footage they've taken of their farms - GreenView counts the fruit, accurately predicts harvest dates, and spots any areas of variability. Our system can help:* Count data by phenological stages - which means farmers can reduce human error, count at superhuman speed, and extrapolate the sample taken to give accurate block level data* Improve forecast accuracy with rolling 7-day forecasts from the date of the video for the coming 12 weeks* Understand ripening curve to increase the accuracy of longer range forecasts* Use growing degree days (GDD) or growing degree hours (GDH), as well as the ripening curves, to further enhance the accuracy of yield forecasts* Use heat maps to understand variability in a block and immediately send a staff member to a specific row to inspect the cause of the unexpected high or low yield. We also have a brand new app - GreenView Go - which gives farmers instant real-time counts and growth trends while they're in the field.As of end 2023, GreenView has counted 1.5 billion berries and 29 billion berries have gone to market using GreenView. GreenView currently works with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, wine grapes, table grapes, and mini cucumbers.